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Title Call for Submission for the Good Design Selection 2015
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Call for Submission for the Good Design Selection 2015



Announcement No. 2015 - 19

By virtue of Article 6 of the Industrial Design Promotion Act and Article 14 of its Enforcement Decree, KIDP announces the Call for Submission for the Good Design Selection 2015 as follows :


- Enhancing national competitiveness and improving quality of life through the promotion of good design

- Establishing a global recognition standard to promote Korea as a creative design power

- Resolving social matters and realizing a creative economy by recognizing and promoting good design on universal design, service design, and design for traditional markets and industrial complexes

 Host Institution

- Host : Ministry of Trade, Industry & Energy
- Organizer : Korea Institute of Design Promotion


A. Eligibility
  • Submissions must be made by companies and/or design agencies/designers in Korea and/or abroad in manufacturing, service, merchandising or content developments.
  • Submissions must have been in the market in Korea and/or abroad for the past two years (as of the submission day) or must be ready to be sold within this year (by virtue of Article 10.2 of the Enforcement Decree of the Industrial Design Promotion Act)
B. Ineligibility
  • Products in legal conflict in Korea and/or abroad under the Patent Act, Utility Model Act, Design Protection Act, Trademark Act, Copyright Act and/or other relevant domestic and/or international acts
  • Design products believed to have plagiarized other designs
  • Design products believed to have disturbed public orders and/or customs


Product /
1. Household Appliances
2. Daily Necessities & Environment
(Including Kids Design)
3. Lifestyle Vehicles
4. Furniture
5. Interior Design
6. Lifestyle Goods
(Fashion, Jewelry, Accessories)
7. Convergent Contents
(Game, Mobile, etc)
1. Machines / Tools
2. Industrial Transports Vehicles
3. Space Design
4. Architecture/Environment
5. Textile / Materials
6. Industrial Materials
Including Metal / Ceramic /
Fabric / Wood
1. Public Products
2. Public Transports Vehicles
3. Public Exhibition and/or
Stage Designs
4. Public Environment
(Including Exterior Design)
5. Landscapes/Civil
Engineering Works /
Convenient Facilities
Communication 1. Graphic, Media
2. Lifestyle Packaging
3. Video Contents
4. P.O.P., Ads, etc.
1. Industrial Packaging
2. Industrial Video
Contents & Manuals
3. Video & Game
Contents, Software
4. Other Industrial
Visual Materials
1. Public Sign (System)
2. Public Service Web,
Service / Experience 1. Service
2. Amusement Parks etc.
1. UI in Safety/Efficiency
2. Industrial Facilities,
Educational Facilities
1. Public Service
Facilities (Hospitals,
Public Organizations,
Infrastructure 1. Logistics (Conventional Market,
Supermarket, Chain Stores,Shopping Arcade etc.)
2. Safety Facilities
3. Lifestyle Exhibition
1. Industrial Complexes
2. Industry-based Infra
(Roads, Facilities, etc.)
1. Public Service Guidelines
2. Public Legislations, etc.
¡Ø For submissions that fall under the field of ‘universal design,’ please make sure to elaborate details of universal design when
inputting descriptions on ‘design feature,’ ‘design concept,’ and ‘consideration on the public’s usability and
safety’for screening of the Special Award for Universal Design.


A. Online Registration
1) Registration can be accessed through the Good Design Selection website(
2) Procedure
Registration → Log in → Complete registration form → Fill in “Specification (1)” → Fill in “Specification (2)” → Fill in “Description”
→ Confirm list → Make payment for application fee → Submit application

* Please indicate whether you wish to proceed with either “On-site Judging” or “Production Submission Judging.”
3) Attachment(s) : 5 or less images of the submission must be attached and submitted
- Image Format : RGB
- File Format : JPG
- Size : 500kb or less (per image)
4) Application Date : 1 July - 31 August 2015

Submission of Entries

A. What to Submit : 1 or more items of the submitted product
1) All submitted products and GD finalists in China are subject to be exhibited at Design Korea 2015 after the screening.
2) Submitted products may be functioned for review during judging. Hence, please be aware that loss and/or
damage may occur. KIDP, its employees and agents accept no responsibility for any damage and/or
loss caused to any products and/or its samples provided during transportation,handling, storage,
and/or judging. Packaging, transportation and insurance of any and all products and its relevant
materials is the responsibility of the submitting party.
3) Valuables must be insured by the submitting party.
4) Entries subject to onsite judging (screening at the site where the product is displayed) must submit a panel
(2 A1 size boards).
5) Digital contents, including video clips and games, must submit an actual production.
B. Submission Deadline : 8 November 2015
C. Where to Submit to : KINTEX, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea (Exhibition Hall 4,5)
D. Submission in China
1) Date: 8 September - 17:00, 9 September at local time
2) Venue: KIDP China(in Beijing China)
CDM(China Design Market), World Design Capital Mansion, N 3rd Road Middle,Xincheng district, Beijing, China

Return of entries

A. Date of Return : 17:00, 15 November - Noon, 16 November 2015
B. Pickup Venue : KINTEX, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea (Exhibition Hall 4,5)
1) KIDP is under no liability for unreturned products during the designated return period.
2) Winning entries of the President’s Award and Prime Minister’s Award are not subject to return as they will
become permanent exhibits in the Design Museum organized by KIDP.

Onsite Judging

A. Subject : Entries not fit for submission of actual products
- Onsite judging will only be eligible for building structures, environmental facilities, industrial complexes,
and industrial infrastructures.
B. Dates : Onsite judging date will be notified 7 days prior to the onsite judging.
C. Onsite Judging in China
Subject: All entries in China
Venue: KIDP China


A. Subject : All entries
¡Ø Entries subject for onsite judging must submit a panel (2 A1 size boards)
B. Dates : 11 - 15 November 2015, 5 days
C. Venue : KINTEX, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea (Exhibition Hall 4,5)
D. Display :
1) KIDP shall display all submitted products accordingly to the dimensions provided on
the online registration form.
2) Entries eligible for onsite judging shall be displayed in panel form.


A. Submission Fee : USD 150
B. Onsite Judging Fee : USD 200(in Korea), USD500(in China)
C. Fees for GD Selections
- GD Selection Fee : USD 500 per entry
- GD Award Winners’ Fee : USD 1,500 per entry
D.Exhibition Fees
Width x Length1m2m3m4m
1m USD 500 USD 600 USD 700 USD 800
2m USD 600 USD 800 USD 1,000 USD 1,200
3m USD 700 USD 1,000 USD 1,300 USD 1,600
4m USD 800 USD 1,200 USD 1,600 USD 2,000
* All entries subject for onsite judging and GD finalists in China will be applied an additional exhibition fee
(Return shipping expenses, customs tariff and other taxes and public utilities charges will be levied to the applicants)
** Additional USD 100 will be charged per 1sqm.
E. Payment : Credit Card(Visa, Master, Unionpay) or Wire Transfer
- Account Information
1) Bank : Industrial Bank of Korea
2) Account No. : 341-028815-04-217
3) Account Holder : Korea Institute of Design Promotion
4) Swift Code : IBKOKRSE
F. Payment Schedule
1) Submission Fee : Schedule same as that of online submission
2) Exhibition Fee : Schedule same as that of online submission
3) Onsite Judging Fee : Date of Notification - 1 day before product submission
4) GD Selection Fee : Within 14 days from date of announcement of GD Selection
* Entries that do not settle the GD Selection Fee on time shall be disqualified of their selection.

Judging Procedure

A. Judging Committee : Academia, industry, design consultancies, etc.
B. The Judging Committee will include both Onsite Judging and Product Submission Judging.
C. Judges list will be opened to the public after the Final Screening via the GD Website (
D. Judging Criteria




Product / Convergence


Economics / Client-orientation


Interaction / Usability


Material / Environment-friendliness


Shape / Aesthetics


Integrated Design



Concept / Originality








Integrated Design


Service / Experience

User-friendliness / Environment-friendliness


Safety / Convenience


New Technology / Efficiency


Service / Economics


Integrated Design



Design Innovation


Universal Design


Practicality / Convenience


Improvement / Originality


Integrated Design


¡Ø Judging Criteria for the Special Award for Universal Design
- The winner of the Special Award for Universal Design shall be selected according to whether the entry contributes to lesser competencies of the user with its usability, flexibility, safety, practicality, esthetics,durability, and economic feasibility.

Announcement of Results

- Result of the selection will be announced via newspapers of Korea and the GD website ( Selected entries will also be informed to the applicants individually

Awarding Ceremony

A. Date : December 2015
B. Venue : 6F Korea Design Center
C. Awards
Name of AwardNo. of Awards Issued
President’s Award 1
Prime Minister’s Award 2
GD Grand Award (Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy’s Award) 9
The Best of Best GD Award
SMBA (Small and Medium Business Administration) Administrator’s Award
PPS (Public Procurement Service) Administrator’s Award
KIPO (Korea Intellectual Property Office) Commissioner’s Award
The Best GD Award
- KIDP (Korea Institute of Design Promotion) President’s Award
30 approximately
30 approximately
Special Award (Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy’s Award) 5*
¡Ø All awards are subject to change.
¡Ø SMBA Award and KIPO Award will only be awarded for the registered SMEs with SME confirmation.
¡Ø Special Award will only be awarded for the field of universal design and industrial complex.

Use of the GD Mark

A. Use of the GD Mark must provide to Article 16 of the Enforcement Decree of the Industrial Design Promotion Act

B. Use of the GD Mark is permitted only to selected products, its packaging, description, warranty and website etc.

C. Use of the GD Mark may be suspended and/or cancelled should the appearance of the actual product be different from that of the GD Selection.

D. Issue of the GD Selection Certificate
1) 1 Certificate shall be issued per selected entry
*Additional copies may be issued via the GD website
2) Modifications may be made as follows :
- Modifications will only be permitted for : name of company, name of product, name of brand (change of designer(s) are not permitted)
- Selectees must submit the modification application and relevant documents as proof
- Period : Modifications will only be allowed 14 days within the notification of the final results


  • Granted priority status when applying for procurement items of the Excellent Quality Products System organized by the Public Procurement Service
  • Eligible to carry the GDA organized by the Good Design Australia as a result of the mutual recognition concluded between the Good Design Selection of KIDP and Good Design Awards of GDA
    *Selected companies applying to use the GDA mark will be subject to make an additional payment for its use
  • Promotion as a government authorized GD Selection products exhibition in the overseas GD pavilion hosted by the KIDP.


¡ÛKorea: Sungmoo SHIN(Mr.)
- T. +82-(0)31-780-2102 F. +82-(0)31-780-2120 E.
- W.
- Address. K-Design Promotion Team, Design Promotion Division, KIDP
6F, Korea Design Center, 322 Yanghyun-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do,463-954, Republic of Korea

- T.+86-(0)10-6201-3409
- W.
- Address. KIDP China(in Beijing China)
CDM(China Design Market), World Design Capital Mansion, N 3rd Road Middle,Xincheng district, Beijing, China
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Korea Design Center, 322 Yanghyunro, Bundang-Gu, Seongnam-Si, Gyeonggi-Do, Republic of Korea, 463-954  /  TEL: +82-31-780-2101
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